
Monday, September 24, 2018

BIM + SIM = Turning MegaProjects to MegaSuccesses

MegaProjects are MegaChallenges

Are you a stakeholder for an on-going or a new megaproject? It could be an new airport, a hospital, a stadium, a highway or  manufacturing facility with tens of thousands of assets. Project teams may be relying on a first class BIM Solution to manage your project, which is great, yet, you want to do better when it comes to the mega challenges of project cost, schedule and quality. Why? Simply, there is always room for improvement.
How to do better?
1.  Go beyond BIM with BIM+SIM
Why? Because SIM (System Information Model) can combine BIM asset data with critical EIT (Electrical, Instrumentation and Telecommuncation) asset information.
2. Improve the way your project teams collaborate over the entire project lifecycleWhy again? Because project teams develop enormous amount of data with various software applications used by different disciplines. This includes BIM data that describe thousands of assets, asset design data and project activities, supplier and cost data, schedule and work step data, construction, commissioning and handover completions, etc. Along the way, for this “tzunami” of data, quality, consistency and proper use suffers. Lack of data consistency and lack of adequate collaboration leads to frustration. And as time passes, finger pointing and confrontations begin. Procurement department blames Engineering, Construction blames both, and, at the end of the project lifecycle, Pre-commissioning and Handover blame everyone else.Digital Asset Delivery over the entire Project LifeCycle can help using Deming’s PDCA principles.Until now, there has not been a single framework that can bring together all tag - based, asset design data and project activities information in near real time, thus empowering effective collaboration for project teams.
Digital Asset Delivery, powered by DAD software and Deming’s Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) framework, can help megaproject teams and stakeholders do better. All project data comes together in a comprehensive, cloud-based environment, so that everyone can see, from anywhere in the world, and from any device (laptops, tablets and smart phones), all information about who did what, when and how, under a sustainable project governance framework for project data management.
Digital Asset Delivery combines BIM + SIM asset data from all disciplines and project activities over all phases of a megaproject lifecycle. Even with multiple contractors, projects and locations involved, this “game changer” approach can provide consistent information and collaboration globally including multi - contractor interface management.
Benefits from Cost, Schedule and Quality savings in megaprojects can be in the range of tens of millions of USD.